本實驗室主要研究植物、真菌以及人類的表觀遺傳基因體及調控。 我們利用基因體測序數據的分析以及生物資訊工具的開發來回答關鍵的生物問題。

我們認為推動研究的主要因素是對科學的興趣以及樂於學習的態度。因此, 我們歡迎擁有不同才能及經驗的人才(生物資訊、資訊、統計、數學、生物或相關領域) 應徵。 我們也希望應徵者能夠準備好融入我們實驗室跨領域的特性。



我們歡迎不同領域的人才合作參與跨生物基因體的研究,涵蓋的研究主題包含表觀遺傳學、 生物資訊學、數學及統計模型的應用。

我們的研究室致力於充滿挑戰性且前瞻性的研究主題,這些主題不僅提供獨立進行項目的機會, 也包括合作性質的項目,可與實驗室成員或其他實驗室合作。在實驗室中,我們注重每位成員的專業發展, 同時強調團隊合作,營造一個相互支持且協調無間的研究環境。

工作內容會涉及次世代定序實驗執行、資料收集、數據分析、論文撰寫。 詳情可以參考我們網頁的研究介紹發表論文


1. 具備生物、資訊、統計數學相關科學背景,有基因體研究經驗者優先考慮。

2. 具備次世代定序實驗技能或數據分析的能力,能理解實驗設計並詮釋結果。

3. 具備協同合作的能力,善於團隊溝通和跨領域合作。



Multiple positions are available in our laboratory to study Epigenome in animal, plants and human.

【Job Description】

We are seeking talents from various fields to collaborate on our research, covering topics such as epigenetics, bioinformatics, and the application of mathematical models.

Our laboratory is committed to challenging and forward-looking research topics. These topics not only provide opportunities for independent projects but also include collaborative projects that can be undertaken with fellow laboratory members or other research labs. Within the lab, we prioritize the professional development of each member while emphasizing teamwork, creating a supportive and cohesive research environment.

The job responsibilities will involve next-generation sequencing experiment execution, data collection, data analysis, and paper writing. For more details, please refer to our website for research details and publications.


1. Background in biology, information technology, statistics, or mathematics; prior experience in genomic research is a plus.

2. Proficiency in experimental skills or data analysis, with the ability to understand experimental designs and interpret results.

3. Effective collaborative skills, team communication, and experience in interdisciplinary collaboration.

【Contact】Applicants should send a cv, a brief description of their research interests to PI.